Is eSign safe to use?


In a world where digital solutions are becoming the norm, electronic signatures have become a convenient and efficient alternative to traditional handwritten signatures. They simplify the process of signing documents, streamline workflows, and contribute to a paperless environment. However, with the growing reliance on eSignatures comes a critical question: Is eSign safe to use? 

In this blog, we will learn how eSignatures work, their security features, common concerns and best practices to secure electronic signatures to help you understand their safety and reliability.

Security features of eSignatures

Yes, eSignatures are safe to use. They incorporate several security features designed to protect both the document and the signature itself. 

Let’s take a closer look at these features:

1. Encryption

Encryption is the process of converting data into a secure format that is unreadable without the appropriate decryption key.

When you sign a document electronically, encryption algorithms scramble the data to protect it from unauthorized access. The encryption process secures both the document content and the eSignature, preventing tampering or unauthorized viewing.

Encryption is a critical component for secure electronic signatures, as it safeguards sensitive information and maintains the confidentiality of the document.

2. Authentication

Authentication verifies the identity of the person signing the document.

eSignature platforms often require identity verification through various methods, such as multi-factor authentication (MFA). 

MFA increases security by requiring two-factor authentication in addition to a password. This could include a text message code, email confirmation, or biometric data.

Authentication reduces the risk of fraud and unauthorized signatures by ensuring the identity of the person signing the document. 

Authentication ensures that the person signing the document is who they claim to be, reducing the risk of fraud and unauthorized signatures.

3. Audit trails

An audit trail is a detailed log that tracks every action taken on a document.

The audit trail records when you opened the document, who signed it, and any changes you made to it. This log is often tamper-evident, meaning that any modifications to the document after signing will be detectable.

Audit trails provide transparency and accountability, allowing you to verify the document’s authenticity and track its history.

4. Tamper-evident technology

Tamper-evident technology detects any unauthorized changes made to a document after signing it.

If someone tries to alter the document after signing, the secure eSignature system will flag these changes and invalidate the signature. This technology helps you maintain the document’s integrity.

Tamper-evident technology is essential for maintaining the validity of the signature and ensuring that the document remains unchanged.

Common security concerns

Despite the robust features for secure electronic signatures, there are some common security concerns that may arise from which you should keep your signatures safe and secure:

1. Phishing attacks

Phishing attacks are fraudulent activities used to obtain private information by pretending to be a trustworthy entity.

Scammers may send fake eSignature requests or emails to trick users into providing their signature details or personal information.

Always verify the authenticity of eSignature requests and use a reputable and secure eSignature service with strong security measures. Be cautious of unsolicited requests and check the sender’s email address.

2. Data breaches

Data breaches happen when an unauthorized individual obtains access to others’ confidential information.

If an eSignature platform experiences a data breach, there is a risk that sensitive documents and signatures could be exposed.

Choose eSignature providers with a strong track record of security and data protection. Make sure they comply with industry standards and regulations and regularly review their security practices.

3. Unsecured platforms

Not all eSignature platforms offer the same level of security.

Using a platform without robust security measures can expose documents to potential vulnerabilities, increasing the risk of unauthorized access or tampering.

Research and select eSignature services that offer comprehensive security features. Choose platforms that are compliant with relevant regulations and industry standards.

Regulations and compliance

eSignatures are governed by various regulations to ensure their legality and security. Understand these regulations to ensure that your eSignature practices are compliant:

1. Esign Act

The Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce (ESIGN) Act provides the legal foundation for eSignatures in the United States.

The ESIGN Act establishes that eSignatures have the same legal standing as traditional handwritten signatures, provided they meet certain requirements. These include consent to use eSignatures, intent to sign, and the ability to retain and access the signed document.

2. eIDAS Regulation 

The Electronic Identification and Trust Services (eIDAS) regulation governs eSignatures in the European Union.

eIDAS defines different levels of eSignatures (simple, advanced, and qualified) and outlines requirements for each to ensure security and legal recognition. Qualified eSignatures offer the highest level of security and are equivalent to handwritten signatures.

3. Indian Laws

In India, the Information Technology Act, 2000 (IT Act) recognizes electronic signatures as legally valid.

The IT Act specifies the conditions under which electronic signatures are considered valid, including using secure digital signatures and adherence to prescribed procedures. The Act also outlines the legal status of digital signatures and their acceptance in various contexts.

Check out more on electronic signature laws and regulations around the world

How do eSignatures work?

eSignatures are digital methods of signing documents designed to replicate the functionality of a traditional signature in a virtual environment. Here’s a detailed look at the process:

1. Document preparation

The process begins when a document is uploaded to an eSignature platform. This could be any document requiring a signature, such as contracts, agreements, or forms.

2. Signature request

Once the document is prepared, the document owner sends a signature request to the intended signer. This request is typically delivered via email or a secure link, which directs the signer to the eSignature platform.

3. Signature process

Upon receiving the request, the signer reviews the document and uses the eSignature tool to provide their signature. The signing method can vary and may include:

  1. Typing their name
  2. Drawing their signature using a touchscreen
  3. Selecting a pre-designed signature graphic
  4. Using biometric authentication for added security

4. Completion

After the document is signed, it is automatically finalized by the platform. A copy of this document is sent to both parties and is kept safe within the platform’s system.

5. Storage and management

The signed document is stored with encryption and can be accessed as needed. The eSignature platform records the document’s history, including the actions taken and the identities of those involved.

Best practices for using eSignatures safely

To ensure the safe use of eSignatures, follow these best practices:

1. Choose a reputable eSignature service

Select an eSignature provider with a strong reputation for security and reliability. Look for services that comply with industry standards and regulations.

A reputable provider will offer robust security features and follow the best practices, reducing the risk of security breaches.

2. Use strong authentication methods

Ensure that the eSignature platform you use offers multi-factor authentication (MFA) and other strong authentication methods.

In order to prevent unwanted access, MFA strengthens security by requiring extra verification in addition to passwords.

3. Verify document integrity

Regularly check the integrity of signed documents using the verification tools provided by the eSignature platform.

Ensuring that the document has not been altered after signing helps maintain the validity of the signature and the document’s authenticity.

4. Educate yourself and your team

Keep up with the most recent security procedures and train your staff on safe eSignature usage.

Awareness and proper training are key to preventing potential security breaches and ensuring that everyone involved understands how to use eSignatures securely.


eSignatures provides a secure and efficient way to sign documents in the digital age. With their advanced security features, such as encryption, authentication, and tamper-evident technology, eSignatures are designed to protect both the document and the signature. By following best practices and choosing a reputable eSignature provider, you can confidently use eSignatures to manage your digital transactions securely.

If you’re looking for a reliable and secure eSignature solution, FreeSign provides a free e-sign tool designed to keep your documents safe and compliant with legal standards. 

Frequently asked questions

1. Is eSign legal in India?

Yes, the Information Technology Act 2000 legally recognizes electronic signatures in India. Electronic signatures remain valid and legal when they meet specific requirements, including being created through a secure digital signature process and following prescribed procedures.

Learn more about the legality of esignatures

2. Is it safe to show your signature online?

While showing your signature online carries risks, you can minimize these risks by using a secure and reputable eSignature platform. Choose a trusted service with strong security measures to protect your signature and personal information.

3. How do I check if my eSign is valid?

To verify the validity of your eSignature, check the audit trail or certification provided by the eSignature platform. Many services offer tools to confirm the authenticity and integrity of signed documents, allowing you to ensure that your eSignature is valid and the document has not been altered.

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